Softstack 1st Mass Mailer v6.9 Full Version - Adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk mengirimkan email secara massal. Softstack 1st Mass Mailer v6.9 banyak di gunakan oleh mereka yang menjalankan usaha toko online, biasanya mereka memanfaatkan software ini untuk mengirimkan email-email yang berisikan promosi produk-produk terbaru serta newsletter ke semua pelanggan mereka secara bersamaan dalam satu waktu.
1st Mass Mailer is a very fast subscription-based mass mailer with a lot of useful features. This bulk email program is intended for sending requested personalized email messages to subscription-based mailing lists of respondents. 1st Mass Mailer is used by many internet professionals and on-line store owners, to notify their customers about various events and send requested newsletters to promote their new products and services. 1st Mass Mailer lets you organize a subscription on your web site, it's easy-to-use, and easy-to-configure. The program allows quickly import a list of your subscribers into its internal database, do filter based manipulations on the list, sort and search for duplicate emails and enable or disable individual subscribers.
Mailer allows you create and manage large subscription-based mailing lists, and generate personalized messages from predefined templates while sending. It lets you define multiple independent SMTP server connections and utilizes the latest in multithreading technology, to send emails to you as fast as it is possible. You can create separate, customized subscription-based mailling lists, with varying number of fields (Name, Address, etc.), and contain information about your subscribers. You can easily define messages and insert macro substitution patterns, to be replaced with information from the database, for each recepient, just before dispatching. You can use all the standard message formats like plain text, HTML or even create a rich content message in the Microsoft Outlook Express and export it into the program.
Major Features:
Send Personalized Emails
Create and manage subscription-based mailing lists
2. Install Mass Mailer v6.9 lalu jalankan programnya
3. Jalankan keygen kemudian klik Generate untuk mendapatkan serial key
4. Gunakan serial key hasil generate dari keygen tadi atau anda bisa menggunakan serial key yang sudah admin sertakan di atas untuk aktivasi Mailer v6.9 anda
5. Enjoy full versi software
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